New Year's Eve 2015/2016
Happy 2016!! It was a great NYE celebrating with my closest friends at a white out party. We had plenty of drinks, a golf tournament, a darts competition, and a very passionate guessing game...
Anyone who knows me knows that I love lists and goals. So it comes as no surprise that I have a bunch of New Year's resolutions ready to go.
- Visit 5 countries
- Pay cash for all trips! No getting into credit card debt to travel the world
- Take Nikita to the beach
Health and Fitness
- Workout 4 times a week
- Hike Camelback
- Cook healthy dinners 4 times a week
- Bring lunch 4 times a week to work
- Maintain $0 credit card balance
- Payoff student loan
Soul Goals
- Read one book per month
- Foster and adopt out at least 5 dogs
- Learn Spanish
- Practice Rosetta Stone 4 times a week